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implants international No. 4, 2023
Cover / Editorial / Content / Immediate placement and loading of ceramic implants in the aesthetic region: One-year follow-up—two case reports / Extreme maxillary bone reconstruction with CERASORB Bioactive—a case report / A fully guided digital workflow for predictable implant planning and placement / Biocompatibility of CAD/CAM biomaterials for bone tissue engineering application / Revolutionising implant dentistry - The Penguin II ISQ device as an example of progress / Events / Manufacturer news / Imprint /
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Immediate placement and loading of ceramic implants in the aesthetic region: One-year follow-up—two case reports
6 - 14 -
Extreme maxillary bone reconstruction with CERASORB Bioactive—a case report
16 - 19 -
A fully guided digital workflow for predictable implant planning and placement
20 - 23 -
Biocompatibility of CAD/CAM biomaterials for bone tissue engineering application
24 - 33 -
Revolutionising implant dentistry - The Penguin II ISQ device as an example of progress
34 - 35 -
36 - 40 -
Manufacturer news
41 - 41 -
42 - 42