DT UK 2508 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT UK 2508

Neueste Ausgabe

DT UK 2508

SDAC abolition is ‘misguided’ / Drop-ins for fluoridation consultation / Dental crisis in Lincoln improves / Six figure salaries for dentists revealed / Editorial comment: Off with his head… / Schottlander announces the winner / We want dentists not fluoride / New developments for Smile-on continue / Dental earnings figures mis-leading / Congratulations to Dr Chan / FGDP rolls out masterclasses / BioHorizons rolls out the programmes / Dental Fees Freeze / Dental Centre for 3 - 000 patients / UK Dentist to teach Pankey Dental Method / Popular NHS dentist dies / Are you sitting comfortably? / Customer service - and beyond / Team with talent / Practice Management: Avoiding the tribunal / Fund performance – the cost / Joined-up thinking / Endo treatment – softening the blow / Smartseal in practice / IADR recognises young researcher / Trust me - I’m a dental student / Showcase Preview /
