DT UK No. 27, 2012 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT UK No. 27, 2012

Neueste Ausgabe

DT UK No. 27, 2012

News / The Digital Dentist: Ian Buckle looks at how technology has influenced dentistry / Don’t take complaints lightly: Dilhani Silva talks complaints / Implantology - the perfect art of camouflage thanks to CAD/CAM: Robert Michalik discusses implants and CAD/CAM / The most important years in implantology: Dr Georg Bach gives a personal retrospect on the development of implants / TRIPOD - A new protocol for immediate loading: Dr Jean-Nicolas Hasson et al looks at complete maxillary implant-supported prostheses / New Beginnings: In this series we follow Pia Mint as she takes on a new challenge / Why improving your practice is a mystery – part 13 / Industry News / Editorial Board / Classified /
