OSSTELL HANDS-ON COURSE “Implant placement & soft tissue management” - Events - Dental Tribune Switzerland

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OSSTELL HANDS-ON COURSE “Implant placement & soft tissue management”



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Event 10 Oktober 2018

This program has been designed specifically for clinicians focusing on implant dentistry. The aim of the lectures and the hands-on session is to increase the participant‘s knowledge of the biological background of dental implants , their technical handling , and the management of complications. Prof Gruber starts with the biological principles of osseointegration , linking the basics in biology to daily practice. Prof Watzak continues with implant placement and implant failures. Prof. Bertl talks about the diagnostic methods for soft tissue assessment around dental implants and the timing of soft tissue augmentation in relation to dental implant placement. After the coffee break , Prof Kuchler gives a lecture on different surgical protocols with the aim of showing that the implant healing time can be shortened. Prof Lopes Pereira Neto will give an overview on different strategies in managing hard and soft tissue complications in early and late implant placement. Dr Gray will give an insight of his more than 20 years of implant experience and talk about the use of resonance frequency analysis of implant stability in daily practice. In the hands-on session, participants will place two standard implants in the premolar region and two implants in the esthetic zone with and without soft tissue grafting. The aim of the hands-on session is to apply the knowledge of the morning lectures and to transfer this knowledge into practice.


University Clinic of Dentistry
Sensengasse 2a
1090 Vienna, Austria

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