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Separating spin from substance / Turkeys vote for Christmas / Kevin O’Brien appointed as Chair of new GDC board / Lester’s Letter—March 2007 / The BDA Wales 2007 manifesto / The oral health of children in the United States of America / The power of 10... / A touch of magic at Showcase 2007 / The Overwhelmed Practice—how to avoid it / Trends & Applications / Using saliva to diagnose Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome / BDA holds special conference on year into new contract / Peter Ward shows impact of the new contract / BDA Special Conference—front line perspectives / Gaps to fill: the Citizens Advice Bureau surveys access / Chief Dental Officer replies to the debate / Effective sterilisation to prevent MRSA / The Benefits of Vacuum Sterilisation / Influence of the Length of Instrumentation and Canal Obturation on the Success of Endodontic Therapy: A 10-Year Clinical Follow-Up / Run in the Great South Run in Portsmouth for Dentaid / Industry News / Clinical Innovations Conference 2007 / Classified /
