implants C.E. No. 1, 2017 - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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implants C.E. No. 1, 2017

Neueste Ausgabe

implants C.E. No. 1, 2017

Cover / Content / One patient - one doctor: 30 years of implant innovation / AO keynote to focus on ‘whole person’ at Orlando meeting / Flapless implant placement with an internal sinus lift using dynamic guided navigation / Introducing LOCATOR F-Tx: A new way to think about fixed full-arch restorations / Study in JOI finds accuracy of X-Guide navigation is ‘11x better than freehand implant placement’ / W&H Implantmed SI-1015: Respects your needs / Nouvag AG: ‘We talk implantology’ / Imprint /
