DT Asia Pacific - Dental Tribune E-Paper

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DT Asia Pacific

Neueste Ausgabe

DT Asia Pacific

WHO to Discuss Health Security Issues in Singapore / Oral Sex and Oral Cancer / Thai king offers oral care on birthday / An interview with Dr. William Dickerson - CEO of LVI Global and Founder of the Las Vegas Institute - and Dr. Heidi Dickerson / Would You Want to Work for a Boss Just Like You? / Post-operative Pain Following Dental Treatments / Puttaiah Q & A / Photoactivated Disinfection (PAD): Paintball Endodontics / Treating Class III Dento-skeletal Malocclusions with the “Muscle Wins” Philosophy / Multiple Odontogenic Keratocysts: A Case Report / Industry Report / What’s Happening Around the Globe? / IDS Cologne Breaks Records /
